Hi, I am Austin Sales

Software Dev

Professional looking picture

What I do

Software Developer/Engineer

I value clear and concise code that maximizes efficency as well as productivity.

Related languages I know:

Java, C++, C#, Python

Dev Tools:

  • Visual Studio
  • Atom
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Jira
  • BitBucket

Front-End Developer

I love to express my creativity by coding things from scratch, then sharing them through the browser.

Related languages I know:

HTML, CSS, JavaScript


  • React
  • Angular
  • Bootstrap

Cloud Computing/Virtualization

Cloud is one of the fastest growing zones of tech industry, and I can help to harness its power.

Related languages I know:

SQL, R, Haskell


  • Docker
  • Azure
  • Kubernetes
  • Jenkins
My Work

Who I am

Junior Software Dev based in Philadelphia

Throughout my journey as a developer I've worked tirelessly to broaden my horizons and step out of my comfort zone. As a result I've aquired skills in a wide array of areas, from cloud computing and virtualization to front-end UI development and much more.

I am a recent graduate from West Chester University of Pennsylvania with a BS in Computer Science. While I was born with a curious and inquisitive nature as well as a penchant for learning new things quickly, my studies have helped me hone those talents into exceptional skills like problem solving, leadership, and organization.

Casual Pic

My work

A selection of my range of work